If you’re keen to experience Tasmania’s best fly fishing, and want to support local business, get in touch with RiverFly and we can build you a custom fly fishing trip at 30% off. Beginners are welcome, and for the more experienced anglers, we’ll guide you to the best sight fishing found on the island. You’ll be helping to keep Tasmanian jobs, while experiencing some amazing hidden gems in your home state. Here’s the options:
RiverFly day trips: Fish the hatches on Tasmania’s best rivers, suitable for beginners through to experienced anglers. Includes guiding, morning tea and lunch, and the use of all equipment required. Discount rates: two anglers $315 each, single angler $485. Available from September 1 – December 20, 2020.
Three Rivers Package: This package offers anglers the opportunity to fish three different rivers, offering three unique experiences, over three days. The destinations are tailored to your goals, as is the style of fishing. We can sight fish small streams or large rivers, or fish from the rafts. Discount rates: two anglers $945 each, Single angler $1450.
RiverFly Wilderness Huts trips: 3 days, 2 nights, inclusive of twin-share hut accommodation, two guides, all meals and equipment. Normally $2250pp, now $1575pp (minimum two anglers, so book with a mate). Available during November and December 2020.
Interested? Send Daniel an email to make a booking, or ask any questions. Thank you!