Tailing trout, or tailers’ as we like to call them, are the number one target for September. They can be bloody hard – spooky, head in the weeds, and fickle, but they make up for it by the visual nature of the fishing. Swirls, tails, and fins all giving away the position of these shallow water browns. As the month progresses and spawning frogs get onto the menu, tailers get easier to catch. Morning is my favourite time to fish, with fish still in the shallows from the night before, but evenings can be just as good. Just tie on a Woolly Caddis, snail pattern, or even a favourite dry, and start searching for nervous water.

A nearby lagoon, RiverFly Wilderness Huts, Tasmania.

A nearby lagoon, RiverFly Wilderness Huts, Tasmania.