It’s autumn, the wind is low, the mayfly are out, and the trout are packing on the calories before winter. If they’re not good enough reasons for fly fishing in Tasmania during April, then here are a few of my own favourite highlights from the past fortnight:

  1. Baitfish feeders: As baitfish in the rivers head back to the ocean, or congregate in the shallows of the highland lakes, explosive bust ups are just one of my favourite things of April. Quick and accurate casts =  big trout.
  2. Baetids: My favourite mayfly species, baetids typically hatch late afternoon for steady periods. And the trout love them. Just bring your Iron Blue Duns and Hare’s Ear Nymphs.
  3. Isopod Tailers: These little silt-dwelling invertebrates are like an amphipod, but longer. And once again, trout love them, and will tail all day on them. We spent a day last week on a shallow Western Lakes tarn, chasing tails for the best part of three hours, all because of isopods.

See you on the water!

Tasmanian trout - RiverFly Tasmania


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