Wild Tasmanian Trout – Autumn fly fishing picture of the day

The autumn mayfly have started on the Meander, South and North Esk, and Macquarie rivers. Highlights have been the morning beatids on the Macquarie, and daytime spinners on the Esk and Meander rivers. Grasshoppers are still on the menu during warmer periods, and our WMD Hopper is doing the trick, whilst daytime ant falls are providing exciting ‘match the hatch’ fishing to studious sippers. Our go-to pattern for these situations has been our CDC F Fly, and proved the undoing of the pictured 2 1/2lb wild brown trout. Send us an Email now if you would like to experience some match the hatch fishing during March or April.

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Fly fishing tasmania – wild trout pic of the day

The river fish are well and truly on the hoppers now, with the our WMD Hopper proving deadly. It’s been a freaky fortnight on the rivers, with more than 13 three-pound trout coming to hand, all polaroided, and all on the WMD hopper.

We’ve also been busy with Western Lakes Campouts, with the usual mix of blue sky days, and cracked up cloudy days providing both polaroiding days and mayfly days. January was an extremely dry month on the Central Plateau (19mm of rain compared to the average 120mm), so the best waters to head to have been deepwater lakes where drop-off edges are proving very productive for cruising trout averaging 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds.

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Tasmania featured in Catch Magazine – read it here

Catch Magazine is an American based E-Zine (electronic magazine) showcasing some of the best fly fishing photography and film getting around. January’s edition (which is free to read) features a chapter from FlyLife Magazine www.flylife.com.au photographer and In Season Tasmania www.inseasonflyfishing.com.au co-author Brad Harris. Check out Tassie and the rest of the chapters here www.catchmagazine.net

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