Tasmanian fly fishing picture of the day – hatching from the vice
A handful of newborn's, straight from the author's vice. Ready for packaging and posting to their new homes across Australia. www.riverfly.com.au/shop
Tasmanian fly fishery rated as the ‘coolest unheralded destination’
Tasmania voted as best unheralded destination
End of season guiding specials & the RiverFly Tasmania webshop
We are running a mayfly season guiding special for bookings of two or more days: our normal rates are $375 ea pp (for two anglers), however our multiple day bookings for between 9 April and 23rd of April are on special for $300pp, 0r $525 for a single angler (down from $620). Enquire here for availability and more details. April is one of our best months for mayfly hatches and match-the-hatch fishing. With the season starting to wind down, Daniel and...
Tasmanian fly fishing pic of the day – Macquarie River, mayfly time
Macquarie River
RiverFly Tasmania fly fishing report – Autumn 2010
Wild Tasmanian hopper feeder Gone Fishing… It’s been three months since our last fishing report, but with good reason: we’ve spent more than 50 days on the rivers since our last note, guiding through pre-Christmas red and black spinner falls, summer hopper hatches and the beginning of the autumn mayflies, and spent another 30 days out in the World Heritage Listed Western Lakes region, experiencing not only the sightfishing, but nature itself. We’ve found remnants of late 19th century...
Wild Tasmanian Trout – Autumn fly fishing picture of the day
The current 'pic of the day': a wild brown trout from the Meander River, caught on one of our Possum Shaving Brush flies. The autumn mayfly have started on the Meander, South and North Esk, and Macquarie rivers. Highlights have been the morning beatids on the Macquarie, and daytime spinners on the Esk and Meander rivers. Grasshoppers are still on the menu during warmer periods, and our WMD Hopper is doing the trick,...
Meander river mayfly feeder
Fly fishing tasmania – wild trout pic of the day
Fly fishing Tasmania, wild trout of the day: RiverFly's youngest customer, Rory, releasing his 4lb catch of the day. Rory polaroided this very fat, very wild brown trout, and hooked it on his second cast! Well done. Rory and his wild Tasmanian trout The river fish are well and truly on the hoppers, with the our WMD Hopper proving deadly. It's been a freaky fortnight on the rivers, with more than 13 three-pound trout...
Western Lakes Fly Fishing – pic of the day
Flats style fishing for trout - Western Lakes Tasmania
Tasmania featured in Catch Magazine – read it here
Catch Magazine is an American based E-Zine (electronic magazine) showcasing some of the best fly fishing photography and film getting around. January's edition (which is free to read) features a chapter from FlyLife Magazine RiverFly photographer and In Season Tasmania co-author Brad Harris. Check out Tassie and the rest of the chapters here: www.catchmagazine.net
Wild Tasmanian Trout – Fly fishing picture of the day
Fly fishing for wild trout, wild places
RiverFly Tasmania fly fishing report – November 2009
Mersey River, Tasmania River Soldiers One of my favourite fishing authors is David James Duncan. His best seller The River Why is in process of being turned into a Hollywood film, but it is his pseudo-biography My Story as Told By Water that strikes a familiar chord closer to home, in particular the chapter River Soldiers, describing his involvement in river conservation projects. Hailing from a deforested Oregon (USA), and later moving to the mining industry-driven Montana, there...
South Esk River Draft Management Plan – Have your say now
The South Esk Draft Management Plan was released a month ago, and has since taken all my spare time; the South Esk River is Tasmania's greatest river fishery, yet it is set to be destroyed under the Draft Management Plan which closes for public comment early December. A summary of the major issues are as follows: The Draft Plan ignores the advice of the Government's own scientific advisors and recommends a continuation of the current minimum cease to take flows...
Wild Tasmanian trout – fly fishing pic of the day
Meander River mayfly feeder
Tasmanian Irrigation Developments – update
Cracks are appearing in the Government's proposed irrigation projects: not only do recreational users and the environment suffer from the proposals, but doubts are now being cast from deep within the inner sanctum of the Premier's own government. In May 09, the Treasury Department were the focus of a media leak, detailing the department's own hesitations about these 'economically unsustainable' projects: an opinion piece from the Mercury Newpaper had all the details. And now, on the ABC's Stateline program, the chief architect of the Food...
Wild Tasmanian trout picture of the day – Mayfly hook-up
Tasmanian fly fishing - mayfly hookup