Tasmanian Western Lakes pre-season exploration

Western Lakes Tasmania, winter sunrise

Crazy! That's what my mates said when I mentioned I'd be spending last weekend in the Western Lakes wilderness region. My reasoning was sound though, a pre-season reconnaissance mission out to new waters, to see how the winter spawning had went, and find a few doors to knock on come August—perhaps a trophy water or two that I would return to come season's opening. It's staying one-step-ahead, which is important for...

Trout fishing Tasmania – South Esk River map

South Esk River Tasmania A quick note for Tasmanian fly fishers one and all, I've just added the 5th map in our series of fly fishing maps, this time covering the South Esk River. Whilst most of the locations are quite public and well visted, each one of them provides good fishing on the right day. Have fun!

2012 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships to be held in Tasmania

Some more competition fishing news, the word on the grapevine is that (unofficially) Tasmania is set to host the 2012 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships. This would be big news for Tasmania as the positive flow-on effects for Tasmanian tourism would be significant, with teams such as the UK (some of whom are quite active in the fishing media scene) set to visit for the competition. Tasmanian's would remember when the World Championships were held in Tasmania during the late 80's, putting the fishery on the world map...

Fishing Season by Philip Weigall – the review

Fishing Season by Philip Weigall

Earlier in the month I revealed that Philip Weigall, one of Australia's favourite fishing authors, was about to release a new book. I think we may have even scooped Phil's own website www.philipweigall.com.au  on the announcement! Well, my pre-press copy arrived last week, and I've had a chance to give it a read. Here's what to expect: Fishing Season is typical Weigall fare, which will be music to the ears of many....

2009 World Fly Fishing Championship results

Whilst competition fly fishing isn't my thing, for some of you it is. The results from the 2009 World Championships held in Scotland have just come out, and can be found here. The Australian team, made up of a majority Tasmania contigent, managed to finish just outside the top ten, whilst the English team were the overall winners. This was a great result for the Aussie's when you consider that some of the top teams in the world, such as the French, are...

New book from Philip Weigall – Fishing Season

Fishing Season by Philip Weigall

You heard it hear first - Philip Weigall has a new book coming out in August, titled Fishing Season. From the publisher: Let Philip Weigall transport you to your favourite river with this beautifully illustrated tribute to the art of flyfishing … ‘As I walked back to the car, I wondered. By the trout’s standards, I’d been fishing the creek forever, catching fish that were great-great-great-grandchildren of the first I’d hooked....

Flyfish with Greg French and RiverFly ‘beyond Maydena’

Greg French and Simone Hackett, 'beyond Maydena'

If you've just picked up your copy of the latest FlyLife Magazine (Winter 2009), you'll find a great article by Greg French on fishing the rivers past Maydena, in the state's south. Greg's been exploring them flat out during the past season, experiencing Tasmania's most consistent fishing for larger river trout (in the 2-6lb class). Most of these fish are sighted, either polaroided, or seen rising among areas of...

Rains bring rivers up to minor flood levels – great news

Winter in the Western Lakes, Tasmania

The last two days has seen heavy falls of rain in Tasmania - from 15-20mm in the 'arid' midlands, right through to 70mm plus to the east of Great Lake. Some of the best falls however were in the headwater ranges of the South Esk River catchment that received up to 150mm in its headwaters. As the floodwaters make their 4 day journey down Tasmania's longest river to Launceston, the  river-bed will...

RiverFly Tasmania fishing report – June 2009

Winter teachings This off-season for the first time, we've kept RiverFly 'open for business'. During past off-seasons I've gone off to uni and worked the odd jobs, waiting for the next season to start. This winter however, has been different—I've been able to keep teaching, which means inspiring and passing on information to others for the better of their fly fishing passions, and hopefully, to the benefit of Tasmanian's and the Tasmanian fisheries. For a start, we guided through May...

Fly Fishing Film Festival comes to Tassie – see you for a pint!


Arthur River sea-runner

Just a quick reminder that the Fly Fishing Film Festival, presented by Gin-Clear in association with FlyLife Magazine, will be travelling through Tasmania in June. Devonport is the first cab off the rank (19th June), followed by the Launceston show (Village Cinema's, 22nd June) and the Hobart Show (24th June).  Debuting in Tasmania will be the island state's first ever fly fishing film, The Source -  Tasmania.   The show starts at...

Patrick Horan joins the RiverFly Team

Patrick Horan, preparing for an R&D day

Some great news for RiverFly guests is the recruitment of Patrick Horan to the RiverFly Tasmania team.  Patrick was head-hunted by RiverFly in 2008, and since then has been serving a guiding apprenticeship of sorts with RiverFly founder Daniel Hackett; as expected, Pat has taken to guiding like a duck to water. This is no surprise-Patrick has been teaching fly fishing Adult Education classes for more than four years...

The Vanishing River

The Vanishing River

Compared to five years ago, May is an interesting time for Tasmanian fly fishers. Great Lake, Brushy Lagoon, Lake Barrington and even Lake Rowallan are among lake-based choices for those still wanting to target trout, and avoid the winter blues. This season has seen further waters opened for fishing in May (for the first time), with designated 'rainbow waters' now including the upper Mersey River, the two Weld rivers and parts of the...

RiverFly Tasmania adds lodge accommodation to its business

Quamby Estate Homestead

We are excited to announce that after a two-year hiatus from providing lodge accommodation, RiverFly Tasmania is once again offering river-based lodge accommodation and all inclusive packages to its guests. Through a strategic alliance with Quamby Estate, a large Anglo-Indian 1830's estate just 15 minutes west of Launceston, we now have a new home for the accommodation side of our business central to Tasmania's northern rivers. (In fact, the Meander River forms part of the...

FlyShop 1864 Fly fly tying courses – course content

A brace of Black and Peacock spiders Call FlyShop 1864 www.flyshop1864.com.au for more details! Course content The courses have been structured to enable all skill levels to participate, and to teach take-away skills for tying better flies, and tying them easier. Some of the topics covered will include: - Technique for tying durable bodies with peacock herl - Tricks for tying deer-hair and Possum Shaving Brush 'wings' for better flotation and fish-catching - Technique for tying in durable, non-slip parachute...

To Live In a Place Where The Brown Trout Fall From the Sky

It's the end of the brown trout season in Tasmania, and apart from guiding on the rainbow waters during May and running winter fly tying courses, it's all about over for the season. That's why I'm trolling the net for entertainment in a vain attempt to attract my attention away from the looming winter and Cabin Fever. On my travels through the World Wide Web, I found this entry on the TroutUnderground which needed to be shared; happy reading: To...